Location: 400
A: Roll Call - The meeting was called to order by David
Present were: David
Mickelson, Larry Martin,
Debra Kessinger, John Leazer, Wanda Eberhard, and Paul Zaffino.
Absent were: Carrie Staiano, Ray Herrmann,
and Sam Cooper.
B: Agenda – John Leazer
motioned we approve the agenda. Larry
Martin second. Agenda approved.
C. Review and
Approve Minutes – John Leazer motioned to approve the minutes. Larry Martin second. Minutes approved.
D. Officer – Committee
Presidents Report –
Introduction of Guests – Scott and
Darlene Erickson were introduced.
Old Business – There was no old
business to report.
Treasurer Report - Debra Kessinger
reported that our checking account balance as of
Bills to pay: Asiant
Acctg. - 225.00 – April services
Deb Kessinger -
19.20 – miles
25.00 – room rent
Martin - 78.40 - miles
David Mickelson - 78.40 – miles
Wanda Eberhard -
17.20 - miles
Larry Martin motioned we pay the bills. Wanda Eberhard second. Motion carried. It was
also OK’d to give
John Leazer the check for $2,000 for the fish delivery.
3. Secretary’s report – Wanda Eberhard had no report
4. Committee Reports –
a. Legal
– David Mickelson had no report.
b. Architectural – Ray Herrmann was absent but there were 2 applications. The Erickson’s brought their application for
a 24 x 30 cabin. We also received an
application from John Leazer for a 6 x 10 shed.
After review, Larry Martin motioned we approve. Wanda Eberhard second. Motion carried.
note, John Leazer did abstain from voting on his own application.
c. Fish and Animal – John Leazer reports we will be stocking fish on June 9th
a.m. All who would like to participate can show up
at the
d. Roads – Larry Martin reported
receiving a call regarding
e. Security
– David Mickelson reported there were 8 recent break-in’s on the mountain in
in the last 2 weeks.
The Sheriff was called up after the first one but there has
been at least 7 additional break-in’s since. David and Larry will be checking to see
if anyone else has had any problems and get them
f. Public Relations – Carrie Staiano was
absent but Debra Kessinger reports that Carrie has $185 in ads promised for the
newsletter and maybe another $100. Go
Carrie!! Carrie also suggested we not
have the picnic this year due to poor participation. After discussion, David Mickelson suggested
we still have it and invite our neighbors.
He will make up flyers and put in our neighbors mailboxes.
g. Fire
– Sam Cooper absent, no report.
Follow-up items
from last meeting – There were no follow-up items to discuss.
New Business - There was much discussion regarding
our property taxes in Sand Creek and the lack of services. Paul Zaffino suggested that we try to come up
with ways to lower our taxes and increase our services in Sand Creek and bring
those ideas to the next meeting.
Calendar -
fish stocking/roads
Picnic at
of Sand Creek on
National Forest property
bring your own
picnic and chairs
G. Adjournment - John Leazer motioned to adjourn. Larry Martin second. Meeting adjourned.